
Always on real time broadcasting with a 0% failure rate.

The challange

The Challenge

CoolKicks required urgent help. They came to us with an incredible product idea, but it was burning thousands of dollars per month in development and infrastructure costs. Their 24/7 online store had a daily window of 10 minutes when everything needed to scale to handle millions of connections per second. And oh, they expected a 0% failure rate whilst all updates and user actions were broadcast for everyone in real time.

The opportunity

The Opportunity

Harness millions of users through building a robust and scalable backend and cross-platform app. Define and implement a pragmatic approach to development and architecture choices that would save the client money in the long run. This would include a really fast running and smooth iOS and Android mobile apps that required minimal custom platform specific code. Then the most important bit, testing. We simulated a code strength test to reflect the millions of unique users — ensuring that everything would run efficiently without the need for a massive server farm.

The Opportunity

Harness millions of users through building a robust and scalable backend and cross-platform app. Define and implement a pragmatic approach to development and architecture choices that would save the client money in the long run. This would include a really fast running and smooth iOS and Android mobile apps that required minimal custom platform specific code. Then the most important bit, testing. We simulated a code strength test to reflect the millions of unique users — ensuring that everything would run efficiently without the need for a massive server farm.


The Results


10x lower running costs


Average latency of ~7ms (P99)


Achieved 0% failure rate during load


Built in new features such as:
Elastic automatic horizontal scaling, Real-time updates using WebSocket and Multilevel security


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"You guys have been nothing but great to us man!"
— Adeel Shams|CEO at Coolkicks